Guest requirements
A maximum of 9 people (not including children under 2 years old) are allowed at the cottage. The number of guests present at any time must not exceed the number listed in the reservation. All adults must be 25 years of age or older unless one of their parents is present. The guests cannot sublet in whole or in part, or even assign his reservation without the consent of the owner.
Pet rules
A maximum of 2 pets are allowed at the cottage. The number of pets present at any time must not exceed the number listed in the reservation. No pets are allowed on the sofas or beds, or in the showers and bathtubs, and should not be left unattended in the cottage. The guests are responsible for keeping their pets within the boundaries of the property and for picking up after them immediately.
Parties are forbidden.
Noise and music
At all times, guests must not create excessive noise. Excessive noise will be grounds for immediate termination of this contract and guests must then immediately vacate the premises.
Tobacco, marijuana & vaping
Smoking is prohibited inside the house and in the gazebo. Smoking is permitted outside the cottage, but it is the guest’s responsibility to dispose of cigarette ends safely. No residue should be left on the property or the parking space. There is an ashtray at your disposal in the kitchen.
Compost, recycling and waste
Guests must prioritize compost and recycling during their stay. They must legally dispose of all garbage generated during the rental period and put the garbage, recycling and composting in bins near the street.
Water & septic tank
In order to protect the septic tank, the guests must only throw toilet paper in the toilets. No solid food or grease must be put in the sinks. The guests must use the water in an eco-responsible manner, avoiding letting it run unnecessarily.
The enclosed firepit must not be moved and must remain under constant surveillance when in function. It is strictly forbidden to make an open fire on the property, or cut any trees or branches.
No fireworks will be allowed on the premises.
Indoor and outdoor furniture shall not be moved. Indoor furniture shall not be brought outside.
Cancellation policy
100% of paid prepayments refundable when canceled 14 days before arrival or earlier.
50% of paid prepayments refundable when canceled 7 days before arrival or earlier.
0% refundable if cancelled after.
The policy may differ from one platform to another.
Extenuating circumstances
COVID-19-related circumstances will not be covered. Please contact you host for any other requests.
Damage Protection Policy
A pre-authorization of CAD $1,000 is due 1 days before arrival and released 7 days after departure.
• There is no access to the lake
• The main level is on the 2nd floor
• Possible noise from the road
• Security camera (front entrance)